Investing In A Shared Future Through Higher Education

Today, Global Impact Industries participated in a discussion on “Investing in a Shared Future...

Paul Mazondo Nelson: Our New Regional Director for the Charlotte Region.

Exciting news!!!We are thrilled to introduce our new Regional Director for the Charlotte Region...

Congratulations To Our client Goshen House Trading On Being A Recipient Of This Award

Congratulations to our client Goshen House Trading on being a recipient of this award. A significant...

Africa Value Creation Intensive Meeting Sessions

At Africa Value Creation Intensive meeting sessions held at the Bank of America Tower, NY...

Intentional Engagements With Pathway Community Foundation Smart Cities Challenge

A full week attending intentional engagements with Pathway Community Foundation Smart...

The Pan-African Council (PAC) and Global Impact Industries (GII) Announced A Strategic Partnership

The Pan-African Council (PAC) and Global Impact Industries (GII) today announced a...

A Night With The Pan-African Council

The Pan-African Council is the premier global leadership and strategic development...

Startup Act Update — Make Startups

Yesterday was a Major milestone for #Startups, #ecosystembuilding, and America’s...