Ekos Akpokabayen Conducts Site Visit

Ekos Akpokabayen Conducts Site Visit

On February 15, 2023 Consortium partner Ekos Akpokabayen, Chief Investment Officer of Ovid Capitavisits Charlotte, NC to conduct site visits and met with the National Institute of EconomicDevelopment to discuss bringing in Foreign Direct Investment from Africa to create opportunity…

Generational Wealth Among Black People in the U.S.

Generational Wealth Among Black People in the U.S.

How to close the Wealth Gap for People of African Descent from a global perspective? Transformation of wealth is occurring vastly throughout the country, but not respectively with the people of African descent.  Covid-19 heightened the realization of the African Diaspora and systemic legacy challenges of what is…

African Private Equity: Trends and Opportunities

African Private Equity: Trends and Opportunities

“Private Equity has to build the businesses, industries, and structures that other forms of capital will invest in” Ekos Akpokabayen. Africa is made up of 54 countries and accounts for 16.7% of the global population, in recent years more money…

The visit to Fourah Bey College

The visit to Fourah Bey College

The visit to Fourah Bey College on January 5, 2020 Kimberly Nelson, President met with NemataBlyden, Author of African Americas & Africa and had the opportunity to exchange with students in a dialogue leadership engagement session. From this book launching…

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