A Night With The Pan-African Council

A Night With The Pan-African Council

The Pan-African Council is the premier global leadership and strategic development organizationcommitted to advancing and uniting Africa and her Diaspora through international cooperation in thepolitical, economic, and social spheres. Join us Johnson C. Smith University – JCSU National BasketballAssociation (NBA)…

Ekos Akpokabayen Conducts Site Visit

Ekos Akpokabayen Conducts Site Visit

On February 15, 2023 Consortium partner Ekos Akpokabayen, Chief Investment Officer of Ovid Capitavisits Charlotte, NC to conduct site visits and met with the National Institute of EconomicDevelopment to discuss bringing in Foreign Direct Investment from Africa to create opportunity…

The visit to Fourah Bey College

The visit to Fourah Bey College

The visit to Fourah Bey College on January 5, 2020 Kimberly Nelson, President met with NemataBlyden, Author of African Americas & Africa and had the opportunity to exchange with students in a dialogue leadership engagement session. From this book launching…

GIIC Engagement with Save The Young Girls Foundation

GIIC Engagement with Save The Young Girls Foundation

CEO and Kimberly Nelson, President met with the Save The Young Girls Foundation a nonprofit orphanage in Waterloo, Sierra Leone for a youth empowerment session. We raised $1,000 to support the young girls and bridged nonprofit organizations to support thegrowth…

Kimberly Nelson, President of Global Impact Industries worked on the Steering Committee to help achieve The Park Church vision to launch the R400conference at The Park Expo Conference Center.

Kimberly Nelson, President of Global Impact Industries worked on the Steering Committee to help achieve The Park Church vision to launch the R400conference at The Park Expo Conference Center.

September 27, 2019 Kimberly Nelson, President of Global Impact Industries worked onthe Steering Committee to help achieve The Park Church vision to launch the R400conference at The Park Expo Conference Center. The Transatlantic Slave Tradehappened 400 years ago and the…

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